Local churches throughout the land are rife with either ‘Vicaratis’ or ‘Vicar phobia.’ Meanings: ‘Vicaratis’ is a word created entirely by myself. There are various interpretations but probably the most significant is the deliberate motive to keep communication to an absolute minimum: a distinct lack of communication so that the minister, priest, pastor or lay elder avoids communication with his congregation as… Read more »
‘Is there a book in you?’ Maybe it should stay there! On the other hand surprising results happen when someone puts pen to paper. Take this year’s Booker Prize Winner. Rejected by no less than 70 publishers when having a go with a previous book. But this guy persevered! So did Yours Truly. 30 Publishers said. No, thanks, but no…But… Read more »
This is the first of half a dozen or more novels in the life of the Reverend Timothy D’orville Twit, a gormless, hapless, helpless, but well meaning individual who is to be inducted to the living(s) of thirty three parishes in the Worcestershire countryside. Flattered and bemused to be given the authority and power over such a vast number of… Read more »